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What is this for?

IsItWorking provides simple testing for some key aspects of your domains

SSL Checks

These check that your SSL certificates are being renewed properly.

I recently upgraded my sites to use Lets Encrypt which requires that your certificates are updated regularly. I wanted a system which allowed me to be sure that this was happening.

We also check for some other possible problems

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These let you check that any regular process is happening correctly.

Whenever your process runs, it checks in with IsItWorking. If we don't get a checkin in [some number] of minutes, then we'll notify you and you can investigate

They're ideal for checking cron scripts.

You can set the number of minutes that trigger a warning

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Timing your processes

You can also use checkins to time how long a process takes and send the timing info to IsItWorking

This is great for any regular task that happens in the background, perhaps sending update emails, or making a backup

You can set a specify what you consider to be too slow

If the script takes longer than it should, then we'll notify you.

This is perfect for background tasks that might get slower over time. You can set a threshold, and investigate if a problem evolves

What do you mean by 'close' to expiry?

You can set your own definition of close for each ssl check.

By default, we warn you 30 days before your SSL certificates expire

How often do you check?

We currently about check SSL Certificates twice a day. (this may change in the future)

How can I get notifications

We can send messages to Slack, Pushover or Email

You can set up as many notification destinations as you like

Why is your pricing so splendidly reasonable?

As a developer, I wince when another service asks me to pay $10 a month for something that I could build myself.

I understand that people need to make a living - (and I hope you feel the same about me!) - but I often think that simple services could be delivered simply and cheaply

IsItWorking aims to hit a sweet spot of simple, functional service. It doesn't have complicated multiply-redundant servers (that stuff is hard and expensive!), but it should do the job required.

Because it is simple, the pricing can be splendidly reasonable!

I hope that you'll think $1/month is low enough that you won't waste your valuable time debating whether it is too expensive - you'll just go ahead and purchase!

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